
My Best Friend

I don´t consider myself as a very sociable person, I´m a bit shy when it comes to making new friends, maybe it´s because I was in the same school all my life, so I was always surrounded by the same people, but I really got very good friends in there. My best friend´s name is Paulina. I think that we met when we were in kinder, because we both entered to school in the same year, but from what I can remember, we got closer in 6th grade, so it has been seven years of friendship approximately. In 6th and 7th grade we had a nice group of friends, we did everything together because we had the same interests in various things like TV shows and games... kids stuff. But it endured just for those years. I consider her my best friend because we´ve always been together, we understand each other very well, we know what the other likes or dislikes, and when we have problems the first person who we tell is each other. We have so many good memories together, so it´s hard for me to choose one, but

The Best Concert Ever

I've never been to a concert, maybe it´s because I´m too tough with myself. I've always considered that if I go to a concert it should be because of someone that I really enjoy and know various songs, but everytime I get to know a new artist that I really like, I find out that they had a concert a couple of months or a year ago. Maybe I shouldn't worry about knowing the artist but just to enjoy the moment of the concert. Recently I've been listening Chilean artist more so I think soon I'll go to a concert of theirs. The only time I really wanted to go to a concert was for a band called "Arcade Fire" on December 7th of 2017, but unfortunately, one day before I had to go to my studies trip that lasted nine days. But last year they released a new album, so I really hope they come back to Chile, beacuse their music speaks about daily stuff and situations of a normal person where you can identify yourself, but at the same time it is so catchy.

A country I would like to visit

Hello! Today I'll be talking about another country. I like the way some countries have a great balance between their native culture and the modern world of nowadays, and I think that a country that has that balance is India. A country where peace and not hurting nature is fundamental for a better life. I´m not a very religious person, but I think that is interesting the concepts about their belief, gods that take care of different aspects of life, and how they have made so many kinds of representations of them. But the principal aspect that I like from India is art. If I go there some day, I will surely visit temples to appreciate the paintings full of colors, the great architecture like Taj Mahal, and traditional music and dances. Another thing that really caught my attention are the festivals that people make to venerate their gods, there is one that is based in throwing paint of various colors with water guns!, associated with a god that liked to make pranks drenching girls


Hello, my name is Lucas Faúndes Garrido, I'm 18 years old, I'm at present studying the biochemistry career. I can usually understand most of the idea when I hear at somebody speaking in English, but there are still some words that I can't understand, because I don't know their meaning or beacause I have some problem with Its meaning in a specific context. Also it's a bit hard for me to speak it in a fluently way to another person while translating words in my head at the moment. I hope for this class to improve my skills at the moment of speaking and to learn some new words and phrases.